Friday, May 14, 2010

Musings and Mindfulness Blog Premier

Hello and Welcome!
You are an amazing, wonderful person, and that is why you found us. When I began this blog idea in my mind, I fought the urge to run away and hide. But, when there are words to be written, they wait. And wait and wait.

Are you ready to begin your journey of creativity? Are your inner words waiting to be released? Well then, let us get started. We are going to do some writing exercises to get yourself ready.
First of all, make a list of names for project. Have it be positive, an action or intention, or a description of who want the world to see. Make it a game. For instance, My name is Heidy Claire. Or I declare! I joked about it until I realized that I could declare things to the Universe and they would be heard. Every time my name is spoken, a declaration is made. Now that is powerful. I invite you to do the same.

Let us see your postings and your lists. Have some fun! I will post mine as well.